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Rainbow Kisses Slang Tiktok Viral
Daftar Isi
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- What Are Rainbow Kisses Tiktok Meaning
The trends on TikTok range from the completely innocent to the incredibly obscene, but the latest trend is more explicit. This trend, which includes something called the Rainbow Kiss, has shocked many people. In this case, the TikTok trend is not to actually depict the Rainbow Kiss, but to just shoot yourself when you google the term. As cute as the name sounds, it is nowhere near as innocent as the name itself suggests.
What does Rainbow Kiss mean?
Rainbow kissing is a specific type of intercourse that involves both sperm and menstrual blood, and those who actually do it usually do it because they have a sort of fetish for bodily fluids. According to an interview with Dr. Wendasha Jenkins Hall, Ph.D. at Cosmopolitan, the Rainbow Kiss most likely originated from menstrual sex, which involves penetration or oral sex during menstruation of a biological female partner.
Performing the Rainbow Kiss is really just a combination of several different sexual acts. It involves both partners having oral sex with each other at the same time while the person with the uterus is menstruating. Once both partners ejaculate into each other’s mouths, the couple’s members kiss, mix the menstrual blood with the sperm and create what users describe as a rainbow.
Are rainbow kisses safe?
Rainbow kissing probably seems like a strange act if you and your partner don’t like intercourse, those who may be interested in performing the act themselves should know that the exchange of bodily fluids during sex comes with some risks.
Some doctors, and one in particular on Twitter, have urged people not to perform the act at all. However, others suggest that it can be done safely if certain precautions are taken.
“Seminal fluid and menstrual blood can contain many infectious particles such as HIV, syphilis and hepatitis,” gynecologist Heather Irobunda, a doctor told Cosmopolitan. If you’re not sure of your partner’s STD status, you shouldn’t share rainbow kisses.”
In addition, doctors suggest that one test or irregular testing is not enough. Regular testing is necessary to make sure that activities such as Rainbow Kissing are safe.
TikTok users are shocked by the sex act.
Although rainbow kissing isn’t exactly new, the trend of users seeking it out on TikTok is very recent. Like many other search trends, the rainbow kiss videos reveal how shocking and disgusting many TikTok users find the trend, even though they have never heard of it.
All of these TikTok videos are funny, and most of them aren’t too judgmental of people who are on the trend.
There’s no denying that the trend is a little shocking to the uninitiated, but as long as the people performing the Rainbow Kiss are consensual adults who perform the act safely, there’s no reason to be overly critical. Everyone has some sexual proclivities, and the only thing that ultimately matters is that both partners are safe, responsible, and consenting.
Final Word
Thus the review that I can convey about Rainbow Kisses Slang Tiktok Viral hopefully it can answer the curiosity of friends about Rainbow Kisses Slang Tiktok Viral I thank you and see you.