Roberto santana denuncia – The Las Parras prison in Dominican Republic is facing closure. A penitentiary, assessor of the Republic’s Procuraduria General, says that the correctional designs and construction defects of the prison were a clear sign of corruption. According to Roberto Santana, this current management of the Procuraduria General caused these problems, and therefore, the prison had to be closed.
Roberto Santana Denuncia
Daftar Isi [tutup]
Former Senator Antonio Marte and Asesor Gubernatorial Roberto Santana denounced the corruption within the prison’s carcelaria. Both men are experts on the penal justice system. Santana says the seven million pesos that he receives every week comes from drug trafficking and duenos of colmados. Nevertheless, he is not convinced that Santana receives seven million pesos every week.
In a letter written on the prison walls, Santana, honorific adviser to the Poder Ejecutive, accused the government of committing a triple robbery and left it with 96 million dollars. He demanded a probe into the situation and has demanded that government officials investigate the alleged crimes. Santana also claimed that the government’s officials have failed to protect the prison’s prisoners and have made false accusations.

In his book, Roberto Santana laments the situation in the penitenciary system. His critiques include the design of a carcelario integrado, a retrasarse in the payment of prison staff, and an increase in the sueldo for prisoners. The penitenciary system is far from a model of social justice and fairness.
The book is written by Roberto Santana, a prominent Dominican expert in penal affairs. He is an honorary security official and denounces the overvalued prisons. This article will examine Santana’s arguments on the situation in La Victoria. The Penitenciario: La Victoria and the Prison Reform in Guatemala
Asesor de la Procuraduria General de la Republica
Former prison warden and Honorary Asesor of the Procuraduria General of the Republic Roberto Santana denounces corruption at La Victoria prison. He claims that money from drug dealers and traffickers is used to fund prison security. Despite these allegations, Santana is demanding desmiento for prison officials.
The current government, in addition to the government, has not done anything to improve the prison system. In spite of repeated calls for action, the government has failed to respond to Santana’s denunciation. The Procuraduria General of the Republic (PGR) has been accused of blocking improvements to the penal system by previous administrations.
Asesor del Poder Ejecutivo en materia penitenciaria
The Honorary Asesor of the Poder Ejecutivo in Materia Penitenciaria (PoP) Roberto Santana has denounced the corruption in the Penitenciary National of La Victoria, where seven million dollars are being paid to prisoners each week. He also denounces the antiquated personnel that work inside the prison system.
The former Procuraduria General of the Republic, Roberto Santana, denounces corruption in the La Victoria prison. He claims that the money is coming from drug dealers and traffickers. The prison officials deny these accusations and demand a desmiento. The protesters are also urging Santana to investigate the case.