Hello friend how is it? hopefully you are always given health WAW VERRY DANGER!!nyquil chicken challenge tiktok or Sleepy Chicken On this occasion the admin will review a keyword WAW VERRY DANGER!!nyquil chicken challenge tiktok or Sleepy Chicken
Do you already know this word nyquil chicken challenge tiktok or Sleepy Chicken? if not then you can listen to this admin discussion thoroughly.
nyquil chicken challenge tiktok or Sleepy Chicken is a keyword or keyword that is currently widely used in google searches, you know.
Maybe some of you already know not about the keyword nyquil chicken challenge tiktok or Sleepy Chicken
If you already know it then you can skip this article. However, if you don’t know it at all then you can read this article thoroughly.
Because you need to know that in the keyword nyquil chicken challenge tiktok or Sleepy Chicken is being sought after by netizens.
WAW VERRY DANGER!!nyquil chicken challenge tiktok or Sleepy Chicken
Daftar Isi [tutup]
If you’ve ever tried Nyquil and thought it would make a great marinade for chicken, you’re not alone. You should be, though. The alarming mix has become a TikTok trend that not only sounds gross, but can also be deadly, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration warned this week.

Nyquil Chicken Challenge Tiktok or Sleepy Chicken
“NyQuil Chicken Challenge” first appeared in January and has since returned. The original video demonstrating the “recipe” for the poultry dish was published in 2020, as it turned out, by satirical artist Rob Flo’s account. Both the account and the original video have since been deleted.
Flo’s recipe for “sleepy chicken” consists of pouring a “four-thirds” bottle of NyQuil into a pan with two chicken breasts. You will then be asked to simmer the mixture for five to 30 minutes. Imagine that your whole house should be filled with the wonderful smell of stale medicinal berry blends.
“The challenge sounds silly and unpleasant – and it is. But it can also be very unsafe. Boiling a drug can make it much more concentrated and change its properties in other ways,” the FDA warned.
Even if you don’t eat chicken, the explanation goes further, simply inhaling the drug’s fumes while it’s cooking can put a lot of the drug into your system. It can also damage your lungs.
TikTok has since replaced the “Nyquil Chicken Challenge” search results with a warning message that reads, “some online recalls may be dangerous, disturbing or even fabricated.”
Despite the company’s noble efforts, any version of the phrase “sleepy chicken” misspelled still redirects users to the challenge.
Final Word
I’m enough discussion this time about WAW VERRY DANGER!!nyquil chicken challenge tiktok or Sleepy Chicken hopefully the information I convey can be useful for all friends, and can also answer friends’ curiosity about WAW VERRY DANGER!!nyquil chicken challenge tiktok or Sleepy Chicken I’ll end it here, our meeting, I thank you.
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