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What is Angel Cut With Layers Tiktok|Wow Viral Angel Haircut Meaning
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Viral on TikTok Angel Cut Hair With Layers
A new TikTok trend known as “angel cut in layers” is going viral on TikTok and raising awareness about domestic violence worldwide. According to the trend, women are communicating with their hairdresser using the code to indicate that they are in an abusive relationship and are victims of domestic violence.
While some believe the trend is hair-related, it undoubtedly has a deeper undertone.
The true meaning of Angel carved in layers
Leda Fazal, a well-known hairstylist, discussed domestic violence and abuse in her videos on TikTok. the angel cut with layers code was developed by an influencer. The angel cut in layers means that a woman seeks help for domestic violence when she visits her hairdresser and asks to have her hair cut in this way.
The angelic haircut in layers is a signal that women use to notify their hairdressers that they are in an abusive relationship or are victims of domestic violence. Leda stresses that every woman should be free to live her life and determine her own hairstyle.
Leda, 21, publicly discusses domestic violence and the “angel cut in layers” signal in a series of short videos to make it even clearer. The 21-year-old influential woman endorsed her viral TikTok:
“No one should control how you wear your hair, period.”
Hand signals, codes and gestures have long been used to keep women safe. TikTok promotes a number of trends targeting women to help them cope with various forms of violence and abuse.
Leda recently uploaded a video expressing her views on domestic violence and life in abusive relationships. More than 1.5 million people have watched her video, and numerous hairdressers have expressed gratitude for her efforts to make them stronger.
Secret hand gestures to signal help
Before the Angel Cut With Layers code, the “hand signal” became popular on TikTok when it helped Kentucky police rescue a 16-year-old domestic violence victim. She reportedly sought help from authorities by using hand signals.
The 16-year-old was forced to drive around Kentucky in a silver car. She kept making gestures out the passenger side window, hoping that someone would notice that she was asking for help.
The inconspicuous one-handed gesture consists of placing her thumb on the palm of her hand and covering it with her fingers. The viral hand signal was identified by someone who then contacted 911. Police responded to the call and the 61-year-old driver was immediately arrested. The girl was rescued and reunited with her family.
The Canadian Women’s Foundation created a “hand signal” at the beginning of the epidemic so that victims of domestic violence could express their need for help through video calls. It has gained enormous popularity over the past year on TikTok and other social media platforms.
Some advocate spreading the word about this signal so that more people can use it to avoid dangerous conditions. However, others are reluctant to spread the message because they think it might make the gesture meaningless.
Final Word
Thus the review that I can convey about What is Angel Cut With Layers Tiktok|Wow Viral Angel Haircut Meaning hopefully it will add knowledge to all friends, and can also answer friends’ curiosity about What is Angel Cut With Layers Tiktok|Wow Viral Angel Haircut Meaning maybe that’s all my discussion this time, I thank you.
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