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this time the viral news that I bring is related to Izzy Ashburn Wisconsin Volleyball Team Leaked Unedited Reddit so for those who are interested in the news Izzy Ashburn Wisconsin Volleyball Team Leaked Unedited Reddit read on the article that I present this yes
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Izzy Ashburn Wisconsin Volleyball
Daftar Isi
Izzy Ashburn loved playing volleyball with Sidney Healy in high school so much that she decided to take it up again in college.
The 5-foot-11 Ashburn, a senior at Champlain Park High School in Minnesota, has committed to play at the University of Wisconsin as part of the 2019 recruiting class. That reunited her with Haley, a freshman judge who has been her high school classmate for the past two years.
Ashburn, who has received several scholarship offers, including from several Big Ten Conference schools, said she knows where she really wants to go after attending a University of Washington camp last week.
“When I finished camp at Wisconsin, it was just a feeling,” he said. “He said, ‘I need to be around these people and this type of volleyball.’
“The culture of the show is absolutely amazing and what the girls have together. I really wanted to be a part of that. The style of coaching is the style I want to be in, and these are the people I want to be with.”
And if I needed something more convincing, I just needed to talk to Hailey, whom she said had been pressuring her to call coach Kelly Sheffield to get engaged for the past few days.
“Sydney Healy is one of the best players I’ve ever had the pleasure of playing with, and she’s been the best mentor I’ve ever had,” Ashburn said. “She’s a great teammate and friend off the court. Throughout the hiring process, even before I thought about Wisconsin, Sidney has always been someone to turn to for help, what I should look out for and think about. He gives me the best advice I’ve ever gotten.”
John Yunker, who coached Haley and Ashburn at Champlain Park, said they have a lot in common.
“Izzy does a lot of things similar to Sydney,” Yunker said. “She’s very athletic, she has a great presence on the court, and she’s obviously very good.”Such a good point guard that Junker felt comfortable handling two quota assignments in Ashburn’s first year, and last season Healy was a junior season outsider despite establishing herself as the best point guard in her class in the country.
While the path to regular playing time may be clearer elsewhere, Ashburn said she is willing to wait her turn and do what she can to help the show.
Yunker is confident he’s found the right fit for her.
“The most important thing is the relationship that Izzy has had with the program at Wisconsin, starting with Sydney talking about it for the last four years and coming to camp several times,” she said. “Every young athlete should find it fitting. Everyone has their dream school, but what’s appropriate?
end of the word
that’s the viral news that I can convey about Izzy Ashburn Wisconsin Volleyball Team Leaked Unedited Reddit hopefully the viral articles that I present can answer your curiosity about the Izzy Ashburn Wisconsin Volleyball Team Leaked Unedited Reddit team, happy reading, and don’t forget to like and share
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